The Personal Reflective Essay Structure: Useful Tips

Are you worried because you want to write a personal reflective essay for your school or college? Do you want to come up with a great paper that will impress your teachers and professors? Is it your first time writing such a paper? Do you need expert advice to help you complete a winning paper? Do you think it is difficult to stick to the instructions given by your teacher for the paper? Do you have a tough competition and want to score well in this assignment? Are you an A grader but do not have enough time to complete this type of paper?

What is a personal reflective paper?

Well you would definitely think about all these questions when you are to complete a complex academic paper. A personal reflective essay is an advanced version of the personal narrative paper. In this type pf assignment, you do not only have to narrate a certain experience but also tell your readers how it has helped you be a better person, improve your relations, perform better in academic papers or your approach towards life. You need to talk about a certain event or assignment that has helped you change your views about different aspects of life and the subject

The structure

The structure of a personal reflective paper stays the same as any other traditional assignment. You need to start with an introduction, write a body and end at a conclusion.


The introduction of your paper needs to present the event, assignment or situation that you will discuss in this paper and how it helped you change something in yourself or grow. You can include the thesis statement to give your readers a clear idea about the scope of your paper. You can mention your weakness in one sentence or so

The body

The body of your paper will first explain the event or occasion and then show how it helped you grow in some way. You need to add details and information so that it is easier for readers to relate to your article and read it until the end.

You should also be able to mention the strengths and weaknesses that you face at this point as compared to the time when this event took place


This is the last paragraph of your paper where you need to show clearly what you learned and how you will apply it to your future life

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